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BlaxxunPlatform7, BlaxxunPlatform7English, , BlaxxunPlatform7Spain

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In connection with blaxxun-platform7 We find that the attention that you carry has this more or less disparate group of builders and of users of your test server is really with your honor. That you seek our opinions and more, that you really seek to give us the means Of creating and of showing our work grace are your competent and have your products in particular the server of test and the platform7 beta. Us pushes to make you share of our observations and our wishes and to answer you.

Platform7?? community beta-test... to compare has "Second Life": The two systems are similar, one will say that it S acts of a play reproducing the human exchanges, a simulation... and of this point seen nothing serious, a play... with as regards platform7 an invasion of windows of administration of chat, reducing so much the zone of visualization 3d, that that becomes anachronistic about it.

It would be ideal to have a full screen for visualization. Peter shows us extraordinary Interface chat3D.

Blaxxun will certainly be dissociated by promoting the diversity of opened world, or the worlds will be on the whole of the Net and less to centralize one can imagine: - Each builder has its mini server, on which it places its world and also the worlds of the others, as on the server of Peter or fab - And a page on Internet, on which one can see the open servers with the opened worlds, and also the worlds into simple using. So that that is set up, it would be necessary: A server of effective chat3D and easy to install on any computer, without the exchanges of object and the data base management which is not useful.

We would see a place well where the worlds would remain persistent.

We would see well also a test server to test the worlds, like now.

A server of presentation which would be persistent.

Of course it acts of promotion of the worlds in artistic matter!! Or often the proportion is not exactly that of reality.

Often the criticism made in world vrml in the server of test is that the worlds carried out are deformed or different compared to reality, it is fault of the builders because they would not have the technical training, and that it is for that the results its thus. That is false, very often the worlds are emanations of the imagination of the originator, and it is with ninety percent of the cases or it voluntarily corresponded to reality into its imagination.

It would be necessary "to define" a free place of creation... A place of exposure persisting. I see some splendid persistent sites on the server for example "techulifeisland" and others.

We do not want data base management with pseudo exchange commercial, in order to stress the construction of the worlds.
Let us explain to all that all is accessible via the mask from the navigator so promoting creation.

Trade should be done in realities, and not in thousands D exemplary virtual. We must propose true objects, derived from our 3d objects and show us more "haute couture rather" than "ready to carry".

Good once all that? It is necessary that people come to see the achievements:)

In second life there are as many people to see coloured universes but sad and not originals, whereas on the server of test of blaxxun there are as many beautiful things, much less people know.

The question of the avatars. The avatars seem to be a central concern... Which image to give self when one will visit, an exposure of virtual painting or not? does one look at paintings or the worlds in which one moves where just make us admire our beautiful behaviour?

A software for beginners to create the avatars is a formidable engine of incentive to go to visit worlds

A software of creation of object and world like cosmoworld and a formidable tool "abandonware"...? Blaxxun should repurchase the rights, it makes it possible some 7 year old to children to make worlds!! and then to run itself with his/her class buddies inside!!

We are close carrying out the tutoriaux ones to explain this software.

The question of the financing... If secondlife generates 1 million subscribers, and well a little culture, architecture and poetry! :), one can well better do.

Still ideas...
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